I support writers and other creative folks on their journeys, in a holistic way that's attuned to the spiritual and embodied dimensions of the process.
If you want to stay in touch and hear about upcoming readings and workshops, sign up for my email list.
I lead fun, transformative workshops. Upcoming opportunities are listed below, and also will be communicated through my newsletter!
Six Flash Stories in Six Weeks, through writers.com
6 weeks, beginning June 4, 2025, Wednesday evenings via Zoom
Over the six weeks of the course, you’ll have the opportunity to generate six complete works of flash fiction and to receive feedback on them from myself and your peers. In addition to generative exercises, the course will contain mini-lectures on elements of craft and how to use them in flash fiction, as well as advice on where and how to submit your flash creations for publication.
Editing & Coaching
I am not currently taking new editing/coaching clients, but if you want to find out about future opportunities, sign up for my email list!
“When I started working with Amy, I was in a creative and spiritual rut. Amy's workshops not only enlivened my work and my spirit, they gave me tangible, usable tools that I have been able to incorporate into my daily creative and spiritual practices. This work has been life-changing, and I find that my writing - and my whole self, really - is more colorful and alive.” - M.M.
“I have taken a fair number of writing classes, literature classes and writing workshops, but it wasn’t until I studied a couple times with Amy Bonnaffons that I came to understand where my art comes from, and how to access that part of me with less doubt and trepidation. Rather than spending most of my writing time looking over my own shoulder, ‘professoring’ my work to smithereens, I’m feeling the wonder, surprise, joy, and even innocence I once experienced as a novice.” - R.M.
“Amy has an exacting eye for exactly what a story needs to feel sprinkled with magic. She’s helped me completely restructure my debut novel and held my creative and narrative voice to the highest standard through the entire process. Her attention to detail and ability to spot the uninspired bits (and offer kind and constructive suggestions) is unmatched. She’s been a massive part of my creative and publishing process, and I feel so lucky to work with her one-on-one.” - E.U.
“Working with Amy is liberating, revelatory, and deeply fun. It helped me see my writing life in a new light, one in which my fears of not being good enough dropped away and in their place was an intimacy with art's ecstatic purpose.” - S.G.
“Taking Amy's workshop was a reminder that the universe always sends us exactly what we need when we're ready for it. The workshop breathed new life into my writing and opened up new avenues for creative energy and support. Amy was an ever present and steady guide, encouraging curiosity and exploration. The workshop experience was, in ways beyond writing, life altering. I will be forever grateful.” - B.R.
“I loved the workshop I did with Amy!! I learned amazing ways to jump start my creative process, met cool people and had a super fun time. Highly recommended for anyone.” - R.A.
“I always love being in a workshop with Amy! She stays present, focused, and most importantly, curious. Her lively imagination encourages others to join the fun. Her honesty about her own process gives others permission and maybe the courage to do likewise. Five stars out of five!” —M.H.
“Taking Amy's workshop was transformative for my writing practice. Learning to open up my subconscious and embrace something I did not attempt to control was liberating. The writing activities revealed truths about my book that felt spontaneous, but, I believe, were really the emergence of threads I created but somehow did not see until that moment. The end result was a return to enthusiasm and gratefulness for both my manuscript and the art of writing for art's sake.” - M.J.H.